Five for Friday Word
is Spreading about This Thing Called ‘Geography’

is “a site devoted to analyzing and discussing the places where we live and
work.” Check out this great new resource for learning about how places in the have
been created, both naturally and socially. The blog concentrates mainly on
issues concerning urban and economic geography, such as the way Chicago continues to
thrive despite many factors that would indicate otherwise.


Tragedy in thePhilippines:
Typhoon Devastates Thousands

Last week Typhoon
ravaged many of the islands that make up the Philippine archipelago,
killing a great number of people including natives and tourists. QUESTION: Do
you think this crisis has gotten enough media attention? Do you think it
deserves the attention it has received thus far?


Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Interactive Map
Editing Added to List of Google Map Features

 Now you can have a hand in public map creation. In a move to
create more detailed and accurate cartographic representations, Google Map now
allows viewers to edit and critique certain features, such as names of roads
and trails. More details here.


Book Showcases
Voices of African Children

The New York Times
recently reviewed the new book, Say
you’re one of them
by Uwem Akpan. This work of fiction offers a lens
into understanding the geographic and cultural diversity of childhood in
various African countries.
**May not
be appropriate for younger audiences due to some explicit violence and sexual


Video of the Week

Through real-world examples and personal experiences the
importance of geographic knowledge is easy to understand. But as you may be aware,
geography is hard to define. Really hard in fact. This video illuminates
the difficulty that even supposed experts have in trying to define a term as broad and all-encompassing as ‘geography’. Be prepared to chuckle.

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