Killer Crocs in Australia


Recently, a 12-year-old boy was snatched and his friend mauled by a saltwater crocodile in northern Australia. Thirteen people, six of them children, have reportedly been killed by saltwater crocodiles—salties, as they’re locally known—in the area over the past dozen years. (National Geographic News)

Use our resources to better understand saltwater crocodiles, funnel-web spiders, great white sharks, and the rest of Australia’s dangerous fauna.

New guidelines from the Queensland, Australia, government warn people to never, ever feed crocodiles. This one, chowing down on a whole chicken, is lives in a licensed Queensland crocodile farm. Photograph by David Doubilet, National Geographic
New guidelines from Queensland, Australia, warn people to never, ever feed crocodiles. This one, chowing down on a whole chicken, is lives in a licensed Queensland crocodile farm.
Photograph by David Doubilet, National Geographic

Discussion Ideas

  • Australia’s salties, also known as estuarine crocodiles, are dependent on the brackish water of the region’s watering holes and estuaries. How do you think their feeding habits change during the wet and dry seasons? Take a look at these two photos of salties in Kakadu National Park, where the recent attacks took place, for a clue: summer and winter.
    • Those are awesome photos, aren’t they?

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