Need a Ride? Call Mr. Geography

Here’s a great Q&A from about “Mr. Geography,” a Toronto taxi driver named Mohammad Saaed Collins who offers a free ride to anyone who can answer a single geography question correctly. Why geography? As Collins puts it, it’s “the most important subject for humans.” “We’re standing on geography. People are born on geography. Moving from place to place is geography. If you study it … Continue reading Need a Ride? Call Mr. Geography

“Geography Contest Balloon Crosses Ocean to S. Africa”

Students at Collinsville Primary School in Martinsville, Virginia, got a lofty lesson in geography recently when they learned that a balloon released as part of a contest found its way all the way to Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. Teachers speculate that Bermuda trade winds might have carried the balloon over the ocean to the southern tip of the African continent. Read the article and tell … Continue reading “Geography Contest Balloon Crosses Ocean to S. Africa”

“What Happened to Geography?”

The United States is not the only country where geography education—and knowledge—is lacking. Here’s a great column from On Line Opinion, an Australian social and political debate site. In it, a Macquarie University professor laments Australia’s dearth of geography education: “Do our schoolchildren not need to know about the country in which they live and how it differs from other places in the world, and … Continue reading “What Happened to Geography?”

A Geography Lesson for Andy Rooney

Did you happen to catch 60 Minutes this Sunday? The show’s in-house curmudgeon, Andy Rooney, focused his weekly commentary on geography—or rather, his lack of knowledge of it. You can see the video and read a transcript of the piece here. Then tell us: Do you agree with Andy? Should adults have to go back to school for educational brush-ups every so often? Continue reading A Geography Lesson for Andy Rooney