Educator Spotlight: Protecting Our Prairies

Kathrina O’Connell led a cross-curricular project focusing on the human impact on prairie life. Her sixth-grade students collaborated with each other and with field experts to research conservation and maintenance of land, focusing on a part of their local prairie in northwestern Minnesota. They learned to hand-harvest, scarify, and plant seeds to support the growth of prairie grass. Continue reading Educator Spotlight: Protecting Our Prairies

The High-Adventure Science Collection

By Elaine Larson What do fresh water availability, climate change, the future of energy, air quality, land management, and the search for life in space have in common? They are all topics investigated through a comprehensive new collection of online lessons for middle and high school Earth and environmental science classrooms, developed with funding from NSF and in partnership with The Concord Consortium, a prominent … Continue reading The High-Adventure Science Collection

The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep

ENVIRONMENT Should wilderness areas be reserved for quiet recreation like canoeing, rafting and hiking? Or should they also be open to cars, motorboats and Jet Skis? It is a debate that has long torn at the Adirondacks, and it revolves around an invisible entity: noise. (New York Times) Use our resources to better understand protected wilderness areas, and scroll down to vote on how you’d … Continue reading The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep