Mapping the Gender Gap

GEOGRAPHY Despite progress in establishing equal rights for women, the gender gap persists. In more than 170 countries, women still lack the same rights, protections, and liberties as men. (Nat Geo News) Take a look at today’s MapMaker Interactive map on women’s representation in parliament to get an idea of what nations are closing part of the gender gap. Teachers, scroll down for a quick … Continue reading Mapping the Gender Gap

Why Did the Wolf Cross the Road?

SCIENCE For the first time, a wolf has been tracked crossing an ice bridge into northern Michigan’s Isle Royale National Park. (Nat Geo News) Use our family activity guide to learn more about gray wolves, or use the educator guide to get a grasp of these creatures for the classroom! Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit, including … Continue reading Why Did the Wolf Cross the Road?

Scientists Identify Oldest Human Fossil

SCIENCE Two lower jawbones point to East Africa as the birthplace of our evolutionary lineage. One jaw is a new discovery, while one was discovered by the Leakey family 50 years ago. (Nat Geo News) Read our interviews with Meave and Louise Leakey to understand the evolving life of a paleoanthropologist. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. … Continue reading Scientists Identify Oldest Human Fossil

Panda Populations on the Rebound

SCIENCE The population of wild giant pandas has risen some 17% in just over a decade, the Chinese government reported this week. (Nat Geo News) Play our game to design a giant panda wildlife reserve with the right amount of food, water, and shelter to help your pandas be healthy, learn important survival and social skills, and prepare for release into the wild. Teachers, scroll down for … Continue reading Panda Populations on the Rebound

Geography of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’

ARTS An Oscar-winning art director discusses how he designed an imaginary hotel in the fictional country of Zubrowka. (Nat Geo News) What style of hotel would you build in your own fictional country? Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. Discussion Ideas Art director Adam Stockhausen just brought home his first Academy Award, for production design on Wes Anderson’s … Continue reading Geography of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’