The Tiny Truth About Germs

The cover photo for this post is a microscopic image of fungi, courtesy Fernando Santos and FEI. With stories about Ebola consuming our newsfeeds these days, it’s probably been hard to avoid discussing the outbreak with your students. But as new cases are discovered and treated, is there anything else to talk about? What questions are emerging from your classroom? One way to continue the … Continue reading The Tiny Truth About Germs

Mapping Monday: The Depths of GIS

This week, an illustration that explains the depths of GIS caught my attention. What a clear way to explain how a map is created using many different data sources!  It also intrigues me to dig deeper to learn more about GIS, something you may want to do in your classroom this year. The NatGeoEd website is full of resources that explain GIS (or geographic information systems) and resources … Continue reading Mapping Monday: The Depths of GIS