Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Documented in Greenlandic Ice

WORLD Modern people aren’t the only ones who’ve polluted the atmosphere. Ancient air pollution has now allowed scientists a peek into the economic health of Ancient Rome. (Science) Use our rich collection of resources to learn more about the geographic, cultural, and political atmosphere of Ancient Rome—and decide for yourself if it was polluted. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in … Continue reading Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Documented in Greenlandic Ice

Five Places Pumping the Brakes on Tourism

WORLD How are desirable destinations dealing with their own popularity? (BBC) How are other places encouraging sustainable tourism? Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. Discussion Ideas Tourism is one of the world’s leading industries, but some top tourist destinations are seeking to slow the flow of tourists. How might too many tourists impact the physical geography of … Continue reading Five Places Pumping the Brakes on Tourism

Oil Spill Devastates Western Colombia

ENVIRONMENT At the beginning of March, an oil well in northern Colombia burst, spewing an unclear amount of oil into the Magdalena River. (National Geographic) Use our resources to learn more about oil spills and their impact on ecosystems and human activity. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. Discussion Ideas Hundreds of barrels of petroleum have spilled … Continue reading Oil Spill Devastates Western Colombia

The ‘Palau Pledge’ Puts Ecology First

ENVIRONMENT The Palauan government recently instituted a mandatory ‘eco-pledge’ for tourists—in the form of a passport stamp. (National Geographic) What did our Pristine Seas team find in Palau? Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. PALAU PLEDGE Children of Palau I take this pledge, as your guest, to preserve and protect your beautiful and unique island home. I … Continue reading The ‘Palau Pledge’ Puts Ecology First