Dandelions Roar to the Rescue of Polluted Oil Sands

ENVIRONMENT It wasn’t much of a bouquet—just a single lonely dandelion. But it had been plucked from the middle of a barren stretch of polluted oil sands. Researchers knew right away that made it something special. (Canadian Press) What are oil sands? What’s going on with oil sands in Canada? Get the scoop on this Geography in the News. Discussion Ideas The Globe and Mail … Continue reading Dandelions Roar to the Rescue of Polluted Oil Sands

Crystal Caves Hold Long-Dormant Life

SCIENCE Scientists have extracted long-dormant microbes from inside the famous giant crystals of the Naica mountain caves in Mexico—and revived them. (BBC) Where else have ancient microbes been found? Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit, including a link to today’s simple MapMaker Interactive map. Discussion Ideas Scientists are excited about the extremophile microbes just discovered at the … Continue reading Crystal Caves Hold Long-Dormant Life

Water Bears Grin and Bear It

SCIENCE Tardigrades might be tiny, but they’re mighty mysterious. Also known as water bears (or my personal favorite, moss piglets), the eight-legged micro-beasties can survive basically anything, including years of dehydration, massive doses of radiation and the vacuum of space. (Washington Post) Tardigrades are one of the most frequently found microorganisms at bioblitzes—are they the cutest? You be the judge. Teachers, scroll down for a … Continue reading Water Bears Grin and Bear It