Strategy Share: Stop Motion Filmmakers in the Classroom

How does one even begin to process the professional development of a lifetime as an educator explorer in Arctic Svalbard? Every waking minute was extraordinary, exhilarating, beautiful and captivating. My experiences included witnessing polar bears curiously checking out the humans, blue whales showing off their flukes, and juvenile Arctic foxes playing with their food. Continue reading Strategy Share: Stop Motion Filmmakers in the Classroom

Educator Spotlight: Exploring Social Inequities Through Storytelling

Laura Chase’s 11th-grade biology students investigated social inequities that impact their local communities. Collaborating with a humanities teacher, Laura asked her students to draw from the analytical skills they learned in science, the persuasive methods they learned in English, and the technical skills they learned in film in order to communicate their stories in a thoughtful way. Continue reading Educator Spotlight: Exploring Social Inequities Through Storytelling

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? We Have Five Ways to Help You Keep It!

Did you know that the United States government has a resource to help you achieve some of the most common resolutions? (Yes, the PDF is still available during the shutdown.) I’ll bet most people can guess the resolutions that made the list: losing weight, managing stress, saving money and getting a better education, among others. Did your resolution focus on education? If so, congrats! You’re already … Continue reading What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? We Have Five Ways to Help You Keep It!

Geography of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’

ARTS An Oscar-winning art director discusses how he designed an imaginary hotel in the fictional country of Zubrowka. (Nat Geo News) What style of hotel would you build in your own fictional country? Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. Discussion Ideas Art director Adam Stockhausen just brought home his first Academy Award, for production design on Wes Anderson’s … Continue reading Geography of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’