Panda Populations on the Rebound

SCIENCE The population of wild giant pandas has risen some 17% in just over a decade, the Chinese government reported this week. (Nat Geo News) Play our game to design a giant panda wildlife reserve with the right amount of food, water, and shelter to help your pandas be healthy, learn important survival and social skills, and prepare for release into the wild. Teachers, scroll down for … Continue reading Panda Populations on the Rebound

Is Breeding Pandas in Captivity Worth It?

POLITICS People love their pandas—the endangered black-and-white mammal is perhaps the most recognizable conservation symbol in the world. Possibly as few as 1,600 giant pandas still roam the mountainous forests of central China, and more than 300 live in captivity in various facilities around the globe. But is the considerable effort and millions of dollars put into breeding the animals in captivity really worth it? … Continue reading Is Breeding Pandas in Captivity Worth It?