Why is This Glacier Bleeding?

SCIENCE Most glaciers weep freshwater ‘tears’—this one gushes briny ‘blood.’ (Nat Geo News) Learn all about Blood Falls with our great resource, including educator, student, and family versions. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. Discussion Ideas According to our study guide on Blood Falls, the phenomenon is a liquid outflow at the snout of Taylor Glacier in … Continue reading Why is This Glacier Bleeding?

Secret to Greenland’s ‘Vanishing’ Lakes

ENVIRONMENT Huge lakes atop Greenlandic glaciers are vanishing. Now, scientists know why. (Washington Post) Look below Greenland’s “vanishing ice” with our terrific map. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit, and don’t forget to take this week’s current events quiz!   Discussion Ideas According to the Washington Post, Greenland’s ice sheet and supraglacial lakes melt unevenly. Where is … Continue reading Secret to Greenland’s ‘Vanishing’ Lakes

Salty Ancient Seawater Found Beneath Chesapeake Bay

GEOGRAPHY AWARENESS WEEK! SCIENCE Scientists have discovered a pocket of ancient seawater that’s been trapped underground near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay since the time of the dinosaurs—strong evidence that the Atlantic Ocean was once much saltier than today. (NPR) Did someone say Chesapeake Bay water quality?! Discussion Ideas The pockets of ancient Atlantic seawater found near Cape Charles, Virginia, are twice as salty … Continue reading Salty Ancient Seawater Found Beneath Chesapeake Bay