Educator Spotlight: Mapping Infectious Disease Trends

Matt Kuehl’s high school biology students investigated the frequency of common biological pathogens. Then they investigated the death rates of several diseases and plotted them on a mega map. Students identified correlations between the frequencies of the diseases and the locations of high death rates. Continue reading Educator Spotlight: Mapping Infectious Disease Trends

Talking Evolution: The Challenge of Influenza – Part 1

It’s that time of year again. It’s “Flu Season”—and those words mean different things to different people. For some of us, “flu season” is synonymous with the idea that we might come down with a “cold” and feel crummy for a few days. For a smaller group, it means that we are at risk of a life-threatening illness. As a teacher of middle school students, … Continue reading Talking Evolution: The Challenge of Influenza – Part 1

Antibiotic Resistance Q&A

HEALTH The idea of people dying from infections that were once easily cured may seem outlandish. But it is happening—and now, an antibiotic-resistant “superbug” has reached the U.S. (New York Times) Download an image of an infectious microbe here. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. Discussion Ideas Read through the great New York Times article and work … Continue reading Antibiotic Resistance Q&A

Medieval Potion Kills Modern Superbug

HEALTH It might sound like a really old wives’ tale, but a 1,000-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion may hold the key to wiping out the modern-day superbug MRSA. (CNN) Use our microscopic image to get a good look at MRSA. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. Watch this terrific video about the AncientBiotics Project! Discussion Ideas The medieval treatment … Continue reading Medieval Potion Kills Modern Superbug

Q&A on Measles & Vaccines

HEALTH The battle against measles in the United States was considered won 15 years ago. But around 60 people have contracted measles in the U.S. since just last month. Here are some basic questions and answers about the recent measles outbreak. (Nat Geo News) Teachers, scroll down for a short list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. Warning for the squeamish: This post contains … Continue reading Q&A on Measles & Vaccines