Undiscovered Rooms in King Tut’s Tomb?

SCIENCE Radar scans have revealed not only the presence of hidden rooms adjacent to the burial chamber of King Tut, but also unidentified objects that lie within these rooms. One theory: the tomb of Queen Nefertiti. (Nat Geo News) Use our resources to learn more about the discovery of Tut’s tomb. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. … Continue reading Undiscovered Rooms in King Tut’s Tomb?

New View of King Tut

SCIENCE King Tut’s parents were brother-and-sister, he had a clubfoot, he suffered from genetic abnormalities, and he died when he was 19. Still, it was a pretty good life, and a truly spectacular afterlife. (The Independent) Learn how the world first found out about King Tut. Teachers: Scroll all the way down for a short list of key resources in our “Teachers’ Toolkit.” Three views … Continue reading New View of King Tut