Kids Saving The Rainforest

About a year ago, my brother and I heard about two girls who started their own nonprofit organization, Kids Saving The Rainforest when they were just nine years old. Their goal was to save the lush rainforests of Costa Rica, where they were living at the time. We were so impressed with their story that we told ourselves that if we ever get the opportunity to … Continue reading Kids Saving The Rainforest

In A Perfect World…

In a perfect world, we would not need to worry about animals being pushed to the brink of extinction, we would not need to worry about environmental threats such as climate change, ocean acidification or plastic pollution. In a perfect world we would not need to be concerned with issues such as the looming overpopulation of our planet and the concerns of how we are … Continue reading In A Perfect World…

And the ‘Golden Tusk’ Award goes to…

Hi! It’s Olivia from OMG here. Each week, I get to interview some amazing people from around the world and this week is no exception. Animal conservation is a big thing to me and my brother, so whenever we hear about someone doing something special to save animals, it makes us feel better because we know we are not the only ones helping to save … Continue reading And the ‘Golden Tusk’ Award goes to…