Is China’s Air Pollution Really ‘Made in China’?

BUSINESS China has some of the dirtiest air in the world, but a large share of the country’s pollutants are generated in the manufacture of goods destined for countries like the United States, according to a new study. (National Geographic News) Use our resources to better understand the global “trading game.” Discussion Ideas The new study profiled in the Nat Geo News article puts China’s … Continue reading Is China’s Air Pollution Really ‘Made in China’?

Moth-to-Sloth Food Web

SCIENCE Besides the risks three-toed sloths incur on their tri-weekly potty trips, the trips are costly in terms of energy demands. Why, scientists wondered, do sloths expend so much energy just to poop? (National Geographic News Watch) Use our resources to better appreciate sloths and the people who love them. David Attenborough is one of those sloth-loving people. Discussion Ideas Read the Nat Geo News … Continue reading Moth-to-Sloth Food Web

Satellite Images: New Tool for Conservation

ENVIRONMENT If a picture is worth a thousand words, satellite images may tell a crucial story for conservationists and anyone else looking to protect tigers or other endangered species. (National Geographic News) Use our resources to better understand big cats and their habitats. Discussion Ideas Look at our MapMaker Interactive, which displays a beautiful map layer of “Big Cat Ranges.” The Nat Geo News article … Continue reading Satellite Images: New Tool for Conservation

A Dolphin’s Speed Is All in the Hips

SCIENCE Believe it or not, how dolphins can swim so fast has been something of a riddle since the 1930s. Now, thanks to innovative experiments using “bubble curtains,” we know the marine mammals use their powerful tails to propel them around the turbulent sea. (National Geographic News) Use our resources to better understand animals’ unique marine adaptations. Discussion Ideas Read through our activity “Animal Adaptations … Continue reading A Dolphin’s Speed Is All in the Hips

General Mills Says ‘Cheerio’ to GMOs

BUSINESS General Mills has eliminated all genetically modified organisms from Cheerios. But cold cereal has only heated up the GMO labeling battle between consumer groups (which demand mandatory labeling) and the food industry (which wants to keep labeling voluntary). (National Geographic News) Use our resources to better understand genetically modified organisms. Discussion Ideas The Nat Geo News article says “[a]bout 90 percent of commodity crops … Continue reading General Mills Says ‘Cheerio’ to GMOs