8 Tips for Developing Your Own Virtual PLC

This post was written by Sam Northern, a National Board Certified Elementary School Librarian, National Geographic Certified Educator, and Grosvenor Teacher Fellow. There’s a common misconception that a school librarian’s work is distinct from a classroom educator’s work. But as a school librarian, I want to show my peers that I can serve as a curriculum specialist and directly support their professional growth. Unexpectedly, the … Continue reading 8 Tips for Developing Your Own Virtual PLC

Developing a “National Geographic Explorer” Mindset in the Classroom

Teachers are constantly engaging with others—students, parents, and colleagues—yet they are the only ones with a complete understanding of their classrooms and practices. As a result, being a teacher can be lonely. I taught at a small school. I loved my colleagues on my social studies team; we shared resources and supported each other. Still, if I wanted to integrate new ideas into my curriculum, … Continue reading Developing a “National Geographic Explorer” Mindset in the Classroom

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? We Have Five Ways to Help You Keep It!

Did you know that the United States government has a resource to help you achieve some of the most common resolutions? (Yes, the PDF is still available during the shutdown.) I’ll bet most people can guess the resolutions that made the list: losing weight, managing stress, saving money and getting a better education, among others. Did your resolution focus on education? If so, congrats! You’re already … Continue reading What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? We Have Five Ways to Help You Keep It!

The Power of a PLN

Over the past decade, lots of schools have begun PLCs (Professional Learning Communities). They vary from school-to-school and level-to-level, but the basic idea is the same. Teachers are grouped together to plan common assessments, discuss data, and design better instruction. As you read about PLCs (and there is a lot to read out there!) they sound great—and they can be. The problems with PLCs comes … Continue reading The Power of a PLN