Friday Feature: 8 Questions for Blue Zones Quester Sabriya Rice

Sabriya Rice is a journalist and part-time video producer for Blue Zones, a scientific project to explore “pockets” of the world where people enjoy particularly long, healthy lives; in order to identify strategies for healthy living worldwide. This April 20 – May 1, schools can join scientists in a research expedition to the northern Aegean Sea through the Blue Zones Quest. It’s all free, aligned with national standards in reading, language arts, health and geography, and funded by AARP and National Geographic. Visit the Blue Zones education page for details, and read on to find out why Sabriya thinks we should all interview our grandparents.

How did you get involved with the Blue Zones Quest? Had you ever been part of a research expedition prior to Blue Zones? 

It was like Kismet! I learned of Blue Zones from a former classmate. I had contacted my university’s alumni list-serve in order to gain support for another project I was involved in. I received a response from a friend who had participated in a previous Quest. She was thrilled to receive my email because she had been trying to track me down to tell me about the upcoming Blue Zones in Costa Rica. She thought I’d be perfect for the expedition. So, even though she couldn’t help with the project I originally emailed about, she certainly introduced me to a fascinating new opportunity that has changed my life forever. 

What was it like to work and travel with the team of scientists? What was your role? 

As a journalist it’s not unusual for me to speak with medical researchers and healthcare professionals over the phone, or even to interview them in person. But to actually travel with them and see exactly how they do what they do is a very unique opportunity. Traveling with the team of scientists really opened my eyes to the intricate details of their work. My role with Blue Zones is video producer, which basically means I help visually tell a story. Experiencing the expedition from “behind-the-scenes” with the scientists really helps enhance the story-telling and make each Blue Zone a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

What was your favorite part of participating in the Quest?

 Being part of a Quest is like being a part of a daily adventure; every
day brings something unexpected. Online, students from across the
country guide us to help decide what area we should tackle the next
day. The suspense waiting for their daily vote and the excitement of
embarking on each new topic are my favorite parts of participating in
the Quest. 

Describe the most interesting person you interviewed. 

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