US Announces Test Sites for Domestic Drones

UNITED STATES The US aviation regulator has announced the six states that will host sites for testing commercial use of drones. (BBC) Plot the test sites on our 1-Page Map of the United States. Use different markers for different tests, and guess where the (unannounced) tests on the West Coast will be. Discussion Ideas The test sites described in the BBC article are being tested … Continue reading US Announces Test Sites for Domestic Drones

Old-Fashioned Atlas Gets a New-Fashioned Update

UNITED STATES A new digital project reproduces all maps in the legendary 1932 Historical Geography of the United States. Many of these beautiful maps are enhanced in ways impossible in print, animated to show change over time or made clickable to view the underlying data. (University of Richmond) Check out our own collection of historical maps! Listen to University of Richmond President Ed Ayers explain … Continue reading Old-Fashioned Atlas Gets a New-Fashioned Update

Saturn’s Strange Storm

SCIENCE NASA has released this week the best views yet of a bizarre hexagon-shaped cloud that blankets Saturn’s north polar region. (National Geographic Newswatch) Use our resources to better understand Saturn’s storms and other wild weather in the solar system. Discussion Ideas Read through our terrific activity “Extreme Weather in Our Solar System,” and apply its critical thinking to the Nat Geo blog post about … Continue reading Saturn’s Strange Storm

Beyond Books

BUSINESS Publishers have long bemoaned Africa’s lack of a “book culture,” but some hope that the widespread use of smartphones and the Internet could help change this. (BBC) Use our resources to understand how one explorer is using mobile technology to help Africa’s educators and entrepreneurs help themselves. In this video, teachers explain how e-readers are helping their students—and the entire community. Discussion Ideas Why … Continue reading Beyond Books

Tiny Drone Flies Like a Jellyfish

TECHNOLOGY The latest tiny robot may not be sleek or stylish, but it’s certainly a departure from the usual flying robot design. (National Geographic News) Use our resources to understand how nature can inspire engineers—a process called biomimicry. Discussion Ideas What is a vortex, or vortex ring? What do vortices have to do with how a jelly moves? Read the middle section of the Nat … Continue reading Tiny Drone Flies Like a Jellyfish