U.S. Botanic Garden Helps Teachers Build Green Communities

This post was written by educator Michael Cruse. Sometimes, evening professional development is a hard sell after a day of teaching, especially on a night with single-digit temperatures here in Washington, D.C. The lure of the humid tropics and desert Southwest were enough to convince me, though. I wasn’t bound for parts south of the polar vortex, but instead to D.C. Teachers Night at the U.S. … Continue reading U.S. Botanic Garden Helps Teachers Build Green Communities

Poached Plants Get Second Life

UNITED STATES U.S. Customs officials confiscate many smuggled plants (orchids, mostly). Many of those plants get a second life at designated Plant Rescue Centers. (National Geographic News, watch the video below!) Use our resources to better understand the black market, and how illegal trade affects the environment and world economy. Discussion Ideas The Nat Geo News video describes plants that are confiscated at U.S. ports … Continue reading Poached Plants Get Second Life