Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano- Geography with a Twist

Silvia was born in Germany, raised in Argentina and is living now in the USA. Silvia graduated with a Degree in Spanish & International Studies and a Master’s in Instructional Technology. She serves as the 21st Century Learning Specialist at a K-8 Day School. Geography, global awareness and connections are among her many interests as she works with teachers and students to bring the world into the classroom.

The Middle School Social Studies teacher at my school was not satisfied
with the paper and pencil assignment and was looking to bring the old
and tried task into the 21st century. She wanted students to not merely
be looking up random and disconnected news events that were handed in
to her on a weekly basis. She wanted students to be really making
connections among these events by involving higher level thinking
skills such as evaluating, analyzing and creating. The new assignment
was to not only involve geography skills, but also bring into the
lesson information literacy and global awareness…

Keep reading Silvia’s full post on her blog!

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